Led the 0 → 1 design of web and mobile application in a cross-functional team of PM, 3 engineers, and UI Designer. Led requirements gathering, wireframing and prototyping, user testing, usability testing, design deployment and design system management.
Products help raise $10 million for Series A
Increased workflow efficiency
Features designed, tested, and launched
Truck It In (TIN) is a logistics start-up focusing on developing an ecosystem to help the industry fulfill orders more quickly. When I joined, TIN's white label product was not scalable for its rapid growth. As a solo Product and UX Lead, I worked closely with the product team to design and launch an the first product that will be developed inhouse.
Based on our user research of 20 interviews and 400 users survey, we identified that the core user problems have been ignored by all industry players at the moment.
User Goal: To have an affordable and reliable logistics platform
Additionally, the current system caused frustration due to ineffective communication and data recording, costing the logistics industry millions of dollars annually.
User Goal: A scalable single-source-of-truth solution
A versatile shipment management system for web where shippers can control shipment jobs, track deliveries, and manage clients, drivers, and employees in a dynamic way.
A Truck Driver App for Android where drivers can search and apply to jobs, manage their drivers fleet, and view earnings and other useful information necessary for a delightful experience.
Service blueprint depicting the users involved, what they need, how we're going to provide it, and the relevant teams required to achieve them.
Through usability testing 12 users, we were able to identify some shortcomings. One of them were the shipment form which was initially paginated to reduce cognitive load.
Problem: Too many pages and clicks at scale
While working with several other solutions, I designed a single-page form carefully categorized for optimal user experience and minimum mistakes. The solution was 60% faster than the previous method.
Solution: Single-page form categorized based on user preferences
A product-market fit challenge was determining which market need to differentiate in. I conducted a competitive analysis of seven local and international logistics systems and identified a demand for a simple, locally-focused solution.
Another challenge was balancing the resolution of user problems with tight budget and time constraints. I successfully designed solutions to address user needs that were executable within these constraints.
Tackling my first B2B problem space taught me how to deconstruct a complex issue into simpler segments and address them effectively.
Working directly with engineers and business managers, I consistently advocated for users in every decision-making process.
In the startup environment, I successfully navigated tight budgets, strict timelines, and high expectations through effective management.